For some moments in life, there are no words.

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Moab, Utah: our first really big RZR trip!!!!
It started out with a different sort of adventure than we had anticipated. On our way to the sunny and scorching temperatures of the Utah dessert, we ran into some quite nasty weather on I-70 and had a few nail biting moments while pulling the trailer! But we made it to our little cabin in time to set off on the first trail of the trip: Mineral Point!

Mineral Point

Boy it was fun to finally get some good red dirt on our tires! With Jadeyn strapped into his car seat we blazed off through the rocks, Juniper bushes, cactus plants and blue skies! It was a good trail to start on as it wasn't too difficult, but ended up not being that spectacular. It was a good practice run also to learn how to read the maps from an awesome trail book we had. At the end of the trail we continued our RZR tradition of jelly filled donuts and a soda!!! Jadeyn entertained himself by throwing rocks and watching them explode! The view from the overlook was simply amazing! I cant get enough of the deep red rocks that remind me so much of huge bricks of chocolate!!! :) I found a nice sized snake sunning himself on the rocks and made Kevin a little upset by how close I got to it!!
We arrived back at the cabin around 6pm just in time for Kevin's parents to arrive, unpack and take them out on a quick jaunt before it got too dark to see the trails. We rented a small cabin at Archview Campground and shared the tiny space. Me and Kev tried the top bunk with Jadeyn in the bottom until in the middle of the night: BOOM! he fell off the bottom bunk, so the rest of the time I slept in the bottom bunk with him. The cabin was a great idea and nice to have a shower available with all the dust we were coated with. Cutest thing though was waking up to Jadeyn trying to imitate Grandpa's snoring!!
Spring Canyon Bottom
Our second day brought the real adventures!! Spring Canyon reinforced the reason we bought the RZR: to go deeper into nature than we ever would have been able to before! We wound around through beautiful formations, and sandy river beds until we dropped a couple hundred feet of switchbacks to the top of the canyon. Then we clung tightly to the side of the cliff wall as the other side dropped vertically 800 feed to the canyon floor! It was spectacular, thrilling and yes, we held on tightly to Jadeyn! Looking over the edge was a little dizzying as all the depth perception was in reds and browns. Not many people get to adventure this far out!
On our way down to the floor of the canyon, we were met with a few more take your breath away corners as we squeezed through tight spaces, towering overhangs, and switchbacks. Every corner we turned brought out our cameras!!

Hey Joe Canyon!
We continued on to Hey Joe Canyon Trail with followed the Green River tightly. It was our first "moderate" trail and we discovered what exactly that meant! Tight spaces, very few places to pass another vehicle or to turn around and a few places where we got out to examine exactly what line to pick in the rocks!! It was a beautiful nice trail with some tricky spots thrown in for good measure. Kevin is sure amazing with what he is able to get the RZR over! Pretty impressive! We stopped by the river for lunch. Jadeyn and I pulled off our shoes and socks to dip our feet in the sand, uh, I mean mud!! It was pure silt mud that sucked you in fast and was not easy to wash off! but we had fun! As we looked around the shore of the river, we noticed that a lot of the area had been grazed down pretty deep and there were unusual droppings. We wondered a bit about it, but soon found our answer: five young big horn sheep romping through the brush! On the way back, Darlene drove and gave us all a little April Fool's joke... a nice juicy cow pie splattered all up the side of the RZR and all over Gordon!

Gemini Bridges Trail
Two beautifully mirrored HUGE arches met us at our destination at Gemini Bridges. Steep drop offs were all around us as we walked over the fins to get a better look over the edges. This was a great trail, but not as amazing as the advice we got from some fellow travelers to take the trail that leads to the bottom of the arches, more on that later!

Bull Canyon Trail
This trail was my very favorite: it had a bit of everything: sandy washed out river bottoms to fishtail in, tricky rocky climbs, towering rock features, and gorgeous blue skies to accent to red rock!

Metal Masher!!!
No...don't panic, we didn't attempt the famous Metal Masher, but we did have to stop by and take a few pictures. You'd seriously have to be crazy to try this, either that, or not care about your vehicle!!

Tusher Tunnel
This short hike invited us into the shockingly cool caves of Tusher Tunnel. Three triangular shaped tunnels, the longest being about 200 feet long. Passing through the other end of the tunnel, the view opened up to a wide expanse of slick rock formations.

Hurrah Pass Trail & Chicken Corners
As we started down Hurrah Pass Canyon, we saw campers, hikers, mountain bikers, and rock climbers galore. We went deeper in and saw fewer and fewer people. When we finally got to the trailhead, we were practically all alone. The diversity of the landscape was incredible. The chiseled cliffs soon gave way to "pillow rocks," large ballooning boulders nestled on top of cliffs and occasionally tumbling down into mighty piles. Slick rock appeared as giant cow pies. Pillars of stacked rocks teetered above us.

Chicken Corners
When we reached the summit of Hurrah Pass (a whopping 4,780 feet high!! :) we had a 360 view of an amazing landscape. Wow! Then came the thrill of "Chicken Corners," and we found out how this trail got its name. Clinging to the cliff edge, we twisted and turned 90 degree angles or more as we negotiated blind corners overlooking a quite steep and non-inviting drop off. It was sweet!! Once through the corners, we wound around beautiful landscape always overlooking the Colorado River. The final destination was at the end of the trail with a perfect view of the famous Thelma and Louise jumping point!!!

The Dreaded Drive Home
We had a fantastic trip, but it wasn't over yet: we still had to make our way home and the weather wasn't going to make it easy. Leaving 85 degree weather, we reached complete white-out conditions in a few short hours. I-70 was a disaster with a late spring storm, we were towing a trailer in heavy snow, and our windshield wipers decided to stop functioning requiring us to pull over every few miles in very bad road conditions for me to jump out and scrape the ice off trying to avoid the oncoming traffic!

It was the scariest drive we have ever had. Even at 3 to 5 miles per hour we had trouble stopping as the trailer just kept pushing us along. Around Frisco we decided that we had had enough and would call it good at the next exit which was 5 miles away. 90 minutes later, passing at least 15 accidents on our side of the road and quite a few more than that on the opposite side of the road, we creeped to our exit. Thankfully I had called ahead and made reservations so we were able to get a room. They closed I-70 at that exit so everyone was scrambling for lodging! We were so grateful to have made it off the road safely and mostly intact, all except our nerves!! (Oh the adventure wasn't over yet: room across the hall had a nice domestic violence episode between some drunk college kids, yelling, breaking things, a guy crashing against a wall and getting knocked out and we had front row seats to it all through our peep-hole!! Cops finally came and took a report and the ambulance checked out the guy from 11:30 to 12:30am!!!)
All in all, this was a fantastic trip, one we plan to repeat!!! (all except for the snow!!!)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Grandma and Grandpa J

Grandparent Galore!!!
My parents came to visit and spend some time with their sweet grandson! They had been on another adventure: a week in Vegas for the Mountain West basketball tournament to watch BYU and Jimmer play, then a week with Shelly's family in Texas for Spring Break, and then to see us!! It was wonderful to see them again and I was so happy to "show off" Jadeyn since he has grown up so much since they had last seen him. He seriously is talking a mile a minute and is hilarious!
We all got CBS College Gameday hats from the tournament and caught a bit of the Jimmer fever. He is a pretty amazing player for BYU and has wow'ed the whole country. We were excited to watch the game and cheer with my parents. I've never really seen them this intense as they watched the game with us, it was a nail biter and a shame that they lost. :(
Off to the Mountains!
We got to break in the back seat of our RZR with actual adult passengers this weekend! We took the Grandparents up to Lefthand Canyon (the same trail we had tried two weeks before but weren't able to go due to the forest fire). It was beautiful and rocky, and bumpy, and pretty warm: at least in the low 50s. It was all worth it to hear my mom scream Kevin's name every time we tilted the machine a little bit too much!!! We initiated the skid plates a few times and saw lots of country! At the end of the trail, dad wandered off for a few minutes, and yup, returned with a beautiful white quartz rock as a souvenir!!

Some Thrifty Time
I took advantage of Kevin working on Saturday morning to head out to Savers in Boulder with my parents and Jadeyn. Its been a long time since I've been able to hit a thrift store with my parents and it brought back a lot of fun memories. We filled up shopping carts, had fun trying on stuff and Jadeyn had a blast zooming around the store on a toy car he found!
Duck Time!
Even though the weather wasn't quite as nice as we would have liked, we headed to Golden Ponds to feed the ducks and geese.
Always Good Food and Fun!
My parents always like to treat us to some fun eating out when they visit and boy did we eat well! Qdoba and ChickFile where Jadeyn wore himself out on the playground!! We made some fun meals for them as well: Medallion Steaks and Red Velvet Hash (potatoes and beets). Yum!
Grandma and Grandpa eve got to see Jadeyn in action at Gymnastics!! He was so proud to have an audience and mostly behaved himself!!
Good Talks
The nicest part of having my parents visit is the great conversation we have when we are catching up with each other. We so appreciate them visiting and the wonderful time we had!!!!
Thank you so much for visiting!!!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Cousins! Cousins!

Kevin's mom came to visit for some time this month and as a result, we got to spend some time with Shawn and Stephanie and family!! Jadeyn was so excited to see his cousins and to help celebrate Austin's birthday!

Friday, March 11, 2011

RZR Outing with a little fire involved

All decked out for some fun times in Lefthand Canyon, we were met with a little surprise. We arrived at our trail head at the same time as the fire crews. A nice sized forest fire started right before we got there and they closed the trail! We had to find other stomping grounds.
We headed to a dispersed camping area we have camped at before, up above Ward. We found some awesome and easy trails with lots of snow to slosh around in and mud to flip up. Check out Jadeyn's mud freckles!! On our way back into town, we found that all of Lefthand Canyon was closed entirely! We had to go about 45 minutes out of our way to get around! We just hope that they get the area cleared up soon because its really nice to have a fun trail just 15 minutes from our home!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

SeaWorld!!!!! Busch Gardens!!!!

We couldn't let the long winter pass without finding some excuse for a "tropical" vacation or exploring another amusement park!!!! Off to Florida again. Jadeyn seriously has talked and talked about last year's trip to SeaWorld, so it was the perfect excuse to have to go again!!!

Highlights of the trip!
Brian, Kasi and Payton Miller
We were able to hook up with our old buddies from Optometry school whom we haven't seen in seven years!!! How can it be that long ago!?! It was just as if we had never been apart except for the addition of two adorable and rambunctious little boys who adored each other. Brian and Kasi are such good people and we are so happy that our friendship has continues through the years and the miles! We will hopefully find a way to make a tradition out of this trip and do it again!!

Montu -a feet hanging coaster with some sweet twists and turns.

Cheetah Hunt - still a work in progress but when it opens, it promises to be a spectacular ride and will give us the excuse we need to come back. Supposedly it will be a launch coaster with three stops and starts, imitating a Cheetah hunting its prey. I thought that the work-in-progress pictures were sweet!

- a coaster meant to imitate the sharp dive of a hawk! Hanging your feet over the edge, it takes you up over 200 feet, suspends you looking straight down for 3 seconds, then plummets you down at a 95 degree angle!!!! Sweet ride and one we went on over and over again!!

Animals - combining a coaster park with a zoo was a great idea. Jadeyn loved riding the steamer train through the big game. We spent a whole day just with the animals exploring all the corners of the park.

Kid's Play Area - There were acres of fun for the little ones including an entire HUGE maze of climbing ropes and tunnels and bouncy places, and slides all intermingled somehow with aquariums and an atrium full of flying foxes, etc. Jadeyn wore himself (and us) out climbing and swinging and sweating in the Florida heat!

Flamingos and Sharks! - Definitely Jadeyn's favorite part of the trip was seeing the Sharks! He remembered from last year when he was only 1.5 years old exactly where the shark tanks were at SeaWorld and was so excited to see them again. A newly discovered love was the flamingos!!! He couldn't get enough of them!!!
Lorakeets! My favorite part of course was the Lorakeet exhibit where we got to feed those beautiful birds! They weren't shy at all this time as we found ourselves quickly swamped with hungry birds. Jadeyn wasn't so certain about them when they landed on his head though!

The Weather! We couldn't believe that the weather could be as beautiful as it was. 70-80 degrees felt like heaven compared to back home! For Kevin it was the much needed "recharging of the batteries" to make it through the still winter months ahead!