For some moments in life, there are no words.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Poor Jadeyn!

Poor Jadeyn has been sick for two days now: hopefully just a really really bad cold. So after two night in a row of very little sleep for me or him, we tried to have a little bit of fun today.
Jadeyn got to enjoy a 45 minute bath (to soak all the snot off!) and when he was finished, he felt MUCH better. However, this was the first time that he had ever noticed that his hands get wrinkly during bath time! He was so concerned about it wrinkly hands, he kept pointed to his fingers and chattering away at them!
We stopped by the pet store to buy a fish. Its definitely one of Jadeyn's favorite places to visit -- and mine too right now because there is a beautiful tabby needing a home that keeps temping me!) Jadeyn couldn't wait to get the new fish into the tank. I let him carry the baggie up the stairs and he chattered away at it, stopping every few steps to make sure it was still in the bag!

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