For some moments in life, there are no words.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Old MacDonald Darth Vader Style

SO, one of the toughest things about teaching my sweet boy is he will almost always improvise or negotiate what I am trying to teach him. For example, if I tell him to pick up his toys, he will think about it, maybe challenge it a bit, but then will say, "okay I'll pick up my toys but I will use my feet!"

So on that note, when we ask him to sing a song, he makes up his own words.
Here it is; Old MacDonald Darth Vader Style:

Old MacDonald had Darth Vader…and Anakin…fighting Darth Vader.

With a wong wong wong. With a wong wong wong

With a other wong wong. With a other wong wong. With two wong wongs.

(Is that the light saber making that sound? Whoa.)

That how it goes dad. That how it goes dad. Now you try it dad!

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