For some moments in life, there are no words.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

A Day At Cheyenne Mountain Zoo!

Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs.

What a place to create memories! We told Jadeyn that we would leave early to get there when it opens.  Sure enough, 6:05am rolls around and he comes bounding in the room saying: Do you guys remember where we are going today, time to get up!  Fun.  So we made hot chocolates and toast and piled in the car by 7:15 and made great time getting to the Springs and walked into the zoo right after it opened.  Nice.  This Zoo is amazing.  Its quite hands on and very up close and personal with the animals.  The first section we had to go to of course was the giraffes!  The wooden walkway was elevated and circled the giraffes so we could walk along beside them right a their head level.  In most zoos you really can't appreciate the beauty of these animals and really can't grasp just how tall they are.  Here, you can look them right in the eye.  We bought some lettuce pieces to feed to them.  Hold out some food and out comes the dark purple tongue to wrap its way to your hand and slurp it up!  Jadeyn practically squealed and dropped the lettuce a few times!  So fun. Just take a look at his reaction!


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