For some moments in life, there are no words.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Jadeyn is 7!! And End of First Grade!!

Jadeyn's Last Day of 1st Grade

Its amazing to realize that 1st Grade is over!  The year has simply flown by.  All and all, Jadeyn has loved learning and school.  He adores his teacher: Mrs Nadeau and is very excited to have her again next year.  School has been a challenge for him a little in the social area.  Our outgoing, loud and crazy boy totally transforms in the classroom.  He has admitted to me that he is never silly at school.  He is a very serious student and is quite petrified of getting in trouble.  Mrs. Nadeau has told us that she can always trust what Jadeyn says whenever there is a conflict in the classroom or out on the playground.  She said he will always tell her exactly what happened and never take sides!  He has loved having some of his best buddies in class with him, especially Finn and Aidan.  Next year he will have the same class and same teacher since his school participates in the loop method.  Hopefully this summer he will loosen up a bit and have more fun next year!!

Jadeyn's 7th Birthday party was so fun and creative/  He wanted a dinosaur theme so we filled the party with dino bones, excavation dino eggs, scavenger hunts and topped it off with a chocolate layered cake filled with ganache and covered in chocolate icing! Yum!

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