For some moments in life, there are no words.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

4th of July 2017 WYOMING

We were lucky enough to spend the 4th of July in the great states of Utah and Wyoming. Kevin's parents welcomed us to their new home in Elk Ridge, UT. It has been a awfully long process for them to build living in their 5th wheel all during construction, but from the look of it: it was well worth the wait! They are nestled up against the foot hills with a view of the beautiful mountains and overlook the city. Every night they see deer and pheasants out in the scrub and enjoy the peace and quiet. Peace and quiet that is, until the grand kids come! It was kind of an impromptu family reunion. Stephanie's family came from North Carolina, Jennifer's came from Colorado and Jessica and Danielle were there too. Sweet to see everyone!  Jadeyn was of course so happy to be surrounded by so many boys!!!  Grandpa treated Jadeyn to a mighty king ice cream cone too!

On Sunday Kevin, Jadeyn and I ventured out to our old stomping grounds to BYU.  I still remember my parents walking us through campus, reminiscing and telling stories as they passed certain memories on campus.  We decided to let Jadeyn suffer through kit too!!!  We drove up and down the old streets looking for our first apartment.  We finally found where it had been and how there is a church built there!!  So sad not to be able to see LaDacy Giles's basement apartment!  We found our other places too where we each lived before we got married and then our second apartment where the old mouse car died in the parking lot!  Fun.  Up on campus, we took Jadeyn to the science building and played with all the equipment there, and then wandered around some more.  We did get quite a few interesting looks from the students as (heaven forbid) we were wearing shorts on a Sunday.  We went to the fine arts building and said: okay you stand where you think we met, and I'll stand where I remember it.  We were about 10 feet apart!  

We headed to Evanston to spend a few days with Grandma Pete. We bought our fireworks along the way and then were welcomed in to her home with open arms.  She is the sweetest woman we know and it is so good to spend time with her.  Her health is a little more frail than the last time we saw her.  She gets weak and doesn't like being weak at all!  We spent time watching old westerns and she and Jadeyn really bonded over John Wayne and the Young Riders!
Kevin and Jadeyn shot off plenty of fireworks in the backyard (watering the grass first for safety) and this year we didn't have any crazy mishaps!!!! On the night of the 4th, we went up above Evanston to watch the city light up with all the massive private fireworks, then everything paused for the city's show and then the private ones continued.  Pretty cool!

Back in Colorado, Stephanie's family joined us at our house and the fun continued!!!

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