For some moments in life, there are no words.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Airborne Gymnastics

Jadeyn has been enjoying tumbling and romping and goofing off in his gymnastics class this year.  It has been a great experience for his to just have some time to get out energy, make new friends, and practice listening to his teacher, etc.  But, the finale of his TumbleBee Four class was to be able to participate in the annual extravaganza with all the other older classes.  He practiced his routine to I Just Can't Wait to Be King from the Lion King and when it came down to performance day, he was really excited.  It was a pretty proud moment to see him in his first "public event" and we cheered him on!  He was to one out there walking on his tip-toes (a Cottrell family trait) and bouncing between skills!  So sweet!  He received his medal proudly and was so happy to hear that we were taking him out to Dairy Queen to celebrate.  I couldn't help but continue my family's tradition of ice cream (at Delsea's IceCream Parlor in Boise) after every ballet recital and piano performance!


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