For some moments in life, there are no words.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Jadeyn's First Haircut!

Jadeyn's First Haircut!
We decided it was finally time to trim off some of Jadeyn's fluffy little locks. With some stragglers almost reaching his nose and the ones in the back whipping up into some extreme ducktails: it was time. At one year and one day he got a haircut! We saved the first little blonde lock, but after that, he was so active there was no way we could save anymore! We used all sorts of distractions as Daddy held him: look at the cat! what's on the TV? look at Dozer! where's daddy? It was fun.
Now he truly is a little one year old boy. Just that small change made him look so much more grown up!

Curly Locks and Sweet Long Bangs in the Front Before the Haircut

Helping to get Ready and The First Cut

Finished But Wet

Big Boy Haircut

First Taste of Cake

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Ready for Summer

We are itching for the Great Outdoors
and are so ready for Camping Season to begin!!!
As the summer approaches, we find that we are getting more and more anxious to get out and spend some time in nature again. Last night Kevin whipped out the camping book and began to analyze the lower elevation of the places on our list to see which ones we can hit earlier in the summer. We bought a "family" tent this year that will be big enough for all three of us, plus the pack'n'play, etc. Jadeyn has already been camping with us about six times, but this will be the first time where he will be mobile and I can't wait for him to get dirty and be able to play with pine needles and pine cones! It'll be great!!

Dancing Away

April 13th, 2009
You know how little kids hardly ever perform on demand? At least our little guy has all these tricks and then when you want to show them off, suddenly he forgets his trick! Well, we have been trying to teach him to "dance" for quite awhile and he will just stare at his two crazy parents wondering what the heck we are doing. He got a new toy last week that plays Old MacDonald. This morning, he was pushing the buttons listening to the different animal sounds and the sond played. He started bouncing on his little knees and swinging his head from side to side and he knew that he was dancing and he was so proud!!! (Maybe someday when he's older, he can teach ME to dance!)

Oh, pardon his "little" black eye. Its almost gone by the time we took this video. He had a rough morning a little while ago. Opened a drawer too strongly: black eye, went around the table too quickly: cut his nose. All in the space of 30 minutes!!

Easter Weekend

Its always fun to get together with family for the holidays. Kevin's parents and Jessica came to stay with Shawn and Stephanie for the weekend and to see their new house.

Four dozen easter eggs, lots of candy, lovely dinner and lots of romping around for the kids. Jadeyn felt like such a big boy to be playing right along with his cousins! He took advantage of all the new and interesting toys!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Jadeyn's First Word???

Jadeyn has perfected babblying. Every night after his bottle we carry him up to his crib and he tells us about his day. He will talk and talk the whole way up the stairs!! He says da-da when he's happy and mama when he's sad and doo doo or dooit when he wants something. But today I caught a moment when I really think he was trying to say Dozer and mean it. Take a look at the video. He toddles on over, looks right up at Dozer, looks down and says "Doh-doh!"

I Love My Optometrist!

Jadeyn Loves His Optometrist!!
Jadeyn had a fun day at daddy's office. As you can tell, its a bit tough taking pictures of a boy always in motion!!