For some moments in life, there are no words.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Awww! What a big boy Jadeyn is becoming. I couldn't help it, I had to take a picture of this precious sleepy moment. There is nothing like the deep sleep of a toddler!
That sleepy boy wasn't quite ready to wake up and enjoyed a few more moments in Daddy's arms until he was good and awake! (Nice goatee Kev!)
Then he went right to work, busily playing! He was so adorable in his demin shirt, I couldn't help but take a few pictures! :)

Time to cut those curly locks!

Jadeyn's haircut didn't turn out all that bad. He has been paranoid about scissors and his hair. I think he thinks we will be cutting part of himself off or something! So I cut Kevin's hair with Jadeyn watching, then it was Jadeyn's turn and I just hacked away as fast as I could! Thank goodness its curly to hide my mistakes!!
Kinda weird, I know, but here are his blonde locks mixed in with daddy's darker ones!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ready for Summer

Our little boy cannot wait until summer to enjoy the outdoors again. Today he insisted on playing out in the sunshine despite the snow. Here he had dragged his little camping chair out into the sunshine and just kicked it for a little while!
Here he wanted to play out on the lawn, but kept getting distracted by the snow. He found that throwing rocks into the pile of snow was very rewarding since the rocks would completely disappear! But I have to point out: did you notice the sock feet?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Vroom Vroom CRASH!!

Jadeyn is ALL BOY when it comes to cars, trucks, crashing cars and trucks, vroom vroom noises, etc!! I love this video of Jadeyn and Kevin setting up the cars to be crashed over and over. Jadeyn's facial expressions are priceless! Hope you enjoy it!!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Happiness is....

Happiness is.....GRANDPARENTS!!!!!!!
Grandma and Grandpa Johnson spent a fantastic four days with our family over New Years and every minute of it was wonderful. Jadeyn was so excited to see them. When we picked them up from the airport, he stretched his little arms out right away for hugs and loved them from the very beginning!

Jadeyn quickly latched on to his new best friend: Grandpa. But he had a little competition: Newt decided that Grandpa was his favorite as well!!!If Jadeyn wasn't on Grandpa's lap, then Newt would be!

We got some nice snow during Christmas so Jadeyn had to take us all outside to show us his favorite pastime: shoveling snow with his rake!
It was a great time just to hang out, be entertained by Jadeyn, share travel stories and pictures, play games, giggle and laugh our heads off and just enjoy everyone's company!
Thank you so much for coming mom and dad!!!