For some moments in life, there are no words.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Capturing the Moments

You don't do any posts for a few days and all of a sudden, a few weeks have whizzed by - how does that work? I think I must have blinked...

Time is a strange thing. It ticks by ever so slowly when you're waiting for an appointment or a decision, but turn your back on the cheese grilling for a few seconds and you have to fetch the broom for the smoke alarm. The moments in time that make up our lives can be lost forever - things we think we will always remember are gone in a flash.

That's one of the things (of which there are many) that I love about blogging . You get to capture those moments and flip back through them later. Don't make the mistake of thinking you'll remember all the little things, you won't. They'll be gone. Capture them in your journalling - those little things people say, the feeling you get when you look at them. Write it down for later, when it's behind locked doors in your mind.

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