For some moments in life, there are no words.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas 2012 Year in Review!!

What a year!!

Wow we packed as much into this year as we possibly could and enjoyed every minute of it!!!    Mixed in with all the awesome weekend camping trips were some amazing longer ones that were extra special. 

 We got to visit one of our favorite beautiful spot in the Silverton/Ouray, CO with Kevin’s parents and Melanie’s family.     Despite a spectacular trip and outstanding scenery, the trip was riddled with, um, adventurous moments?  Thunderstorms every day, lightening so close to us on a hike that it made your hair stand on edge, double flat tires on Grandpa’s new F150, a chipmunk climbed in their new camper and ate out all the screen windows, Brendon burned a hole in his shoe trying to dry them by the fire and then his sock blew out the hole on the next hike, gee, what else?  But what great memories, right?!

Sand Dunes x 2.  Awesome time with Kevin’s sister Jennifer and her five boys at the Sand Dunes National Park.  Despite the intense wind, we had a blast sledding down the sand into the river below and got to try out the new Jeep in the sand. At the North Hills Sand Dunes in Northern Colorado we got to try the RZR out on the waves and hills of sand!!  Yes, I got scared when Kevin decided to jump the dunes. I got out and said I needed to “take pictures!”We had an amazing soggy weekend with Shawn & Jennifer’s families at Coffee Pot and splashing through the mud!

Our Little Boy Turned Four & Started PreSchool

  Jadeyn turned four years old this year and as always, we are amazed by how fast time flies!!  He started PreSchool and loves it and especially all his new friends that he gets to run around with and go on adventures with every day at the park!  He is still pretty obsessed with his favorite things: anything with wheels, Transformers, Star Wars, sharks, Angry Birds, and above all else telling stories!  This kid can talk for HOURS non-stop and tell the most creative stories.  I guess in that way he takes after me!  Favorite Jadeyn quotes:  “I’d walk 1,000 miles for you...actually, I’d walk 21 miles!”  “I had a food traffic jam in my mouth.”  “Did that scare out all of your tarnations?”  “Yum, a cookie is a present for my mouth!” About Frosty, “Mom, if you see that walking Snowman outside, you gotta tell me!”  “I love you more than the whole universe and more than the planet earth!”


Slot Canyons

Little Wild Horse Canyon in Goblin Valley State Park.  16 years ago we visited this amazing place and got to go back this year to share it with Jadeyn.  It was a special experience to see it through his eyes and watch him clamber over all the rocks and be excited about every little twist and bend in the slot canyons. What an amazing place.


RZR Adventures

Moab.  We enjoyed the MOAB Rally on the Rocks for the first time this year and were not disappointed.  Taking the RZR out on the slickrock and over rocks and up hills that I had no idea it was capable of was quite thrilling. Not to mention the breathtaking scenery!  Beautiful!!

RZR RALLY Colorado.  Our second year at the Colorado RZR Rally was a blast again.  Lots of rain & mud, but this year we had the pleasure of being in the middle of a herd of cows twice! Once on the road while we patiently waited for them to pass us bumping up against the RZR & bellowing & we wished we had doors.  Second was at our campsite as we shooed about 8 cows away from our tent & during the night heard them so close we could hear them chewing their cud!

Family Fun

 4th of July Festivities – All 35 of the Cottrell clan gathered in WY despite the firework & fire ban and had a wild few days of Nerf gun fights, marshmallow shooters, slumber parties, Papa’s stories, target practice, & tons of food.  Fun time!


Julie travelled from Virginia to Idaho and we were lucky enough to be her stopover place!!!  So fun to see her and Jared and all of her kids.  Wow, they are growing up fast!

We have sure enjoyed having Kevin’s brother live so close & took full advantage of some awesome cousin days: trips to the Zoo, the movies, the park, camping, football & just plain goofing off!

Our Great Grandmas!

 In February we lost my Grandma Johnson and I got to travel to her beautiful funeral.  She was a pretty special lady to all of us and will certainly be missed.     In March we visited Kevin’s Grandma Pete for her birthday and Jadeyn got to have a little one on one time with his last great grandparent. We got a lot of laughs though visiting Uncle Wayne and watching Jadeyn romp and head-butt all his baby goats!! It was a riot when Wayne squirted fresh goat’s milk straight in his mouth and Jadeyn exclaimed: Thanks for tasting me some milk!


A Reason to be Thankful

Thanksgiving was an extra special treat when we got to fly to Mesa, AZ to explore my parents latest adventure.  They have been living the good life (like always!) in a retirement community & fill each day with swimming, fun & PickleBall,   Kevin & I got to try our hand at it while we were there & it was really a blast!  Jadeyn sure enjoyed being able to spend time with his grandparents.


Kevin’s practice has been going very well.  He loves being an Optometrist and enjoys playing with Jadeyn even more.  He is our master planner for all the amazing trips and expeditions we go on!


The big news with me is that I am now officially a stay at home mom.  Jadeyn is so happy to have me home with him and we have a blast every day & I still manage to work a few hours a week from home.  I love being home with my sweet little boy and cracking up every few minutes from the hilarious things that come out of his mouth!  I also had a second surgery on my stinkin’ broken foot.  This time to take out the screw that apparently I was allergic to which was causing the pain etc.  It’s wonderful to walk without the constant reminder and pain again!!

So now, Christmas is here and we look forward to fun festivities with friends & family.  Christmas is such a spectacular way to fully celebrate the culmination of a great year and reflect on all the wonderful memories we have made! We are looking forward to next year & seeing what adventures it may bring!

Love, Kevin, Rebecca & Jadeyn Cottrell


1 comment:

Unknown said...

You two have an amazing family! May this coming year be even better than 2012.