For some moments in life, there are no words.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Grandma and Papa are Visiting!!!!

Happy Day!!!! My parents came for a visit!  We were so excited to see them and to show them the new house.  We somehow found a small window of time between their trips and our camping trips when it worked out to get with about three weeks notice, they booked their tickets!!!
Just having them here with us and with Jadeyn was such a wonderful thing.  Jadeyn loves his grandparents so much and it never ceases to amaze me how there isn't any adjustment period or shyness.  He just attached himself to them the instant he sees them!!

Jadeyn somehow convinced Grandma to play he newest favorite game with him: TankI.  So funny to hear the chatter in the computer room: Grandma, don't you see that tank right behind you!?  Who's shooting me?  Get him Grandma!  Wait, look at my screen, come and help me!   They had a fun time (I think) and Grandma went up a few notches in Jadeyn's admiration scale!

Grandpa always comes bearing really cool gifts!

Papa's pill popping show was a hit again and it was good practice for Jadeyn to work on his counting and numbers!!  One...Two...Three!!!

It just so happened that they were here for Jadeyn's first day of Kindergarten!!  He's such a big boy  now and was so proud to be able to show them jsut how big he is getting, grabbing his backpack and heading out the door.  It was so fun to walk him to school and pick him up with them and let them hear his excited stories.

We were able to squeeze in a trip to the mountains as well.  We hit Pole Hill trail that overlooks Estes Park and had a nice and bumpy time of it.  The weather was beautiful and there were even still a few wildflowers around to enjoy.  Mom joked that she doesn't need to go to the chiropractor because bouncing in the back of the RZR was an adjustment enough!!

While Kevin was at work, my parents and I were able to hit a few stores including Savers (our favorite) and an antique consignment shop.  I love shopping with my parents and Jadeyn survived it just fine.  He only passed out in the shopping cart once!  He was a good sport shopping and running errands with us as well as supervising Grandma's eye exam at daddy's office!

Showing them the new house was a ton of fun.  Pictures are one thing, but to actually be here with us was such a delight.  Yeah, they were surprised at how big it is, and it was sure nice to have plenty of space for them to spread out and relax.  Grandma joined me and Jadeyn in the hot tub a few times for some soaking...wait, I mean splashing!!
We had such a wonderful time with them and are so happy that they were able to come and visit!! Love you Mom and Dad!

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