For some moments in life, there are no words.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

A New Cub Scout

Jadeyn started Cub Scouts at the end of the summer.  I can't think of anything more perfect or more right up his alley!  It fits everything he is the most passionate about: taking care of nature, adventures out in the wilderness, building things and following rules!!  He LOVES it!!!!

His first introduction was to join the water cannon blaster night!  The boys got to build their own rockets out of 2 liter bottles and decorate them with paper and tape.  Then they mounted them on the launch pad, pumped the air into them and then let 'em fly!!  So much fun!  Jadeyn's paper wings shredded and fell down on us like confetti! 

His second activity was the Bike Rodeo where they learned about bike safety and maintenance and then got to participate in different obstacles and skills at each station.  Jadeyn's Wolf pack is huge!!  There are at least 22 boys!  Wow!  His buddy Finn has decided to join as well!

Family Campfire night. All the Wolves and their families gathered around a campfire at Union Reservoir in Longmont to enjoy the boys performing skits and the roasting s'mores!

Popcorn Fundraiser.  The boys only have one fundraiser for the year and it is selling yummy popcorn!  Jadeyn was so excited to reach his goal and set right out selling away.  It was excellent for him to get past his shyness and really talk with people.  Everyone was so nice and he did really well!

Every few nights we have been working in his scout book and marking off the acheivements as he reaches them. 
He was so excited to be able to report all his hiking and camping trips too!  Last weekend when we camped near Aspen, he even earned two Front Points for camping when the temperature reached below freezing!
 We even took him out to target practice with Kevin's old BB gun.  He was a pretty excellent shot!

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