For some moments in life, there are no words.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Our little Destructicon!
We're in trouble already. Jadeyn has discovered the entertainment center and all the DVDs, and he loves it. He can empty out a shelf a few seconds flat! It was pretty cute though: of all the movies he had strewn about his feet, he picked out Shrek, held it in his little hands and babbled to it! Of course, he also picked out the Marvel comic Hellboy which was fitting. On his first week of life Kevin and I tried to get through the whole movie of Hellboy and ended up going through it about 5 times before we finally saw the whole thing. Also, our little sweetie would turn beet red when he was really mad back then, so it was even more fitting!

1 comment:

Tobler Bunch said...

You do realize that it might be cute now to let him play with your DVD's but wait until he figures out how to open them. Hopefully by then you would have taught him not to get into them...RIGHT!? You have a Toddler in your hands!