For some moments in life, there are no words.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Christmas 2008

A Special Day!

Christmas truly is a special time of year and it is even more precious to be able to share it with our little boy! It was if he knew, at eight months old, that it was Christmas morning. His cheeks were even rosier than usual and he was absolutely happy and excited when we got him out of his crib. Up until this morning, he has stared at the Christmas tree, but hadn’t reached out or attacked it. Christmas morning he lunged for it every chance he got! The ornaments, the green branches, nothing was safe from his little grasp!

Opening presents was a delight as we expected. He tore up the wrapping paper, munched on the bows and ribbons, all to find out what was inside. We buried him in wrapping paper and laughed as he flapped all his appendages with delight as the paper rattled around him. Jadeyn loved opening his presents from his Grandmas and Grandpas and from Great Grandma Pete. He helped with our gifts as well of course. We thought it was sweet when daddy and son opened up their socks together. There’s even one of his gifts still under the tree that he doesn’t know about still waiting to have fun with!

Halfway through though, hunger hit. Jadeyn had to take a short break from the festivities to guzzle a quick bottle and then he was back at it! We had fun with our assortment of new movies, scrapbook stuff, beautiful National Parks book and National Park monopoly game, some camping stuff, new outfits for Jadeyn, etc.

What a great morning! And so special!

"We get to do this again next year!!!?!???!"


Lawana said...

Absolutely cute! Wish we had been there to share the excitement. It is the greatest time of your lives. Enjoy it! We love you all so much! Mom and Dad Johnson

Tobler Bunch said...

I love the bows, we did that every kids when they were babies, they would hate it and take them off. He is growing up so fast. Isn't Christmas so much better with a little one around? I love it!

Hager Team said...

What a fun time!!! Happy New Year!