For some moments in life, there are no words.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Everglade Natl Park Shark Valley

Everglade National Park

Shark Valley February 15, 2009

Shark Valley was the perfect, all-encompassing finale to our trip. We wend on a tram tour through the grasslands and saw a great review of all the animals and plant life that we had seen throughout the trip, plus a few new ones. Roseate Spoonbills are pretty rare and as we could tell by the excitement in our guide, they don’t even see them that often on the tour. It was pretty special. We came across a nest of baby alligators and eve got to hear them bark/chirp! Our guide was fantastic. She informed us of the whole history of the park, its current status with water conditions and all the controversies surrounding its preservation. It really does seem like a special gift that we have been given to cherish. There was a quote that we read that really summed it up: The Everglades have been given to us as a test. If it survives, maybe we can keep the earth.

Jadeyn’s favorite part was still the birds. He was such an angel on the whole trip and flirted with everyone who would look at him!

What a fantastic trip!

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