For some moments in life, there are no words.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Julie is here!!!

The Morgans - - - Julie's Family!

Julie's family came to visit!!!! On their way to a family vacation in Missouri, Julie and her family dropped by for three whole days ! We were so excited to have them come and enjoyed every second of it! Jadeyn fell in love with all his cousins right off the bat and romped and played to his heart's content. Us adults stayed up too late talking each night which is completely unavoidable and had a wonderful time catching up.
The highlights of their days with us were The Butterfly Pavilion, swimming at the Rec Center, playing in the pack and altogether having a blast.

At the Butterfly Pavilion the Morgan girls wowed the crowd and the workers with their knowledge of camouflage and butterfly life cycles. I guess it really helps having a vet for a dad! We all loved the butterflies and the lovely humidity in the enclosure.

Everyone was dripping wet by the time it was ready to go, but the Morgans felt right at home, like they were back in Grenada! Jadeyn, not having had a nap yet, only threw one small fatigued tantrum and I was happy to get a picture of it!!

At the rec Center, Jadeyn and I tried to keep up with his "fish" cousins who were practically raised in the water! We went down the slides, tried out the lazy river, enjoyed the hot tub and played with all the other water features. Later on, Jared and the two older girls went back to climb the rock wall.
I love my sister and was so happy that she took the time on their trip to come and see us!

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