For some moments in life, there are no words.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Camping Heaven

Pitkin, CO.
Another great camping trip. Pitkin, located near Gunnison, is a small quaint little town in the heart of ATV and beaver pond country. We camped right by the river and were lulled to sleep every night by the rush of the water. It was fishing heaven for miniature brook trout! We fished the beaver ponds to our hearts content and let Jadeyn "throw" the little guys back in to be caught another day. Honestly, we couldn't convince him to let them go gently! One time, he threw the fish so high that it landed on the back of my neck! Luckily, the fishy swam away happily once we got him in the water again!

We took so many adventurous dirt roads. One lead us to an Alpine Tunnel. It is known to be one of the most dangerous railway lines in the United States. They tore out the old railroad tracks and left it as a narrow, one lane dirt road up to the first tunnel. Shear cliffs and boulder fields surrounded us as we bounced along the rocky road. Jadeyn slept soundly but bouncily in the back seat! We stopped for marmots, deer and snowfields and finally explored the old railway station, telegraph building and collapsed tunnel. Wow! Beautiful!

Another road took us over Cumberland Pass at over 12,000 feet to a little town called Tincup for amazing burgers at a quaint joint called Rose's. (how was that for a run-on sentence?) Surrounded by ATV-ers and dirt-bikers, we enjoyed our meal and even got to feed the trout in the pond by the restaurant. At the summit of the pass you could see the near and distant mountain ranges on all sides, a pretty breathtaking view. A few minutes down the other side we picked up a stranded guy who had gotten a flat tire on his truck. The thing is, we didn't see a truck, it was "up a path a ways." So he hops in our truck, we bounce along a trail a ways, he moves a fallen pine tree out of the way so we can pass, we go further, then sure enough: there was his truck. It was the perfect set up for a murder mystery! Very nice guy though who entertained us all the way back to Pitkin and even invited us to stay in his cabin whenever we would like to!

I can't begin to explain how perfect our camp trips are. Being out in the wilderness, in the trees, rushing water, cool breeze, warm sleeping bags, happy little boy and content husband! Its heaven!

We can't seem to be able to teach Jadeyn what "gentle" means whether its giving soft hugs or releasing a fish back to the water. Here is how he "tossed" every brook trout that we caught: very gently!!!!

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