For some moments in life, there are no words.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Road Bump in Summer

Well, my news of the day.....drumroll please.....I broke my foot.
Proximal Fifth Metatarsal Avulsion Fracture (or something like that!)
Okay, so it didn't deserve a drumroll, but how else was I to introduce it? I was working on my craft stuff all morning on the front porch, had just put my saw and sander away and was getting the staining stuff out. Took a step off the front porch and right onto a perfectly round rock, rolled my foot and collapsed. I made it inside before I started howling. It was pretty instant that the side/top of my foot started swelling huge! It was about the size of half an egg sticking straight out! Had it been my ankle, I wouldn't have been nearly as scared, but the foot looked pretty freaky. About a hour later Kevin met me and Jadeyn at Urgent Care, and sure enough I broken the whole end off of the long bone of the pinky where it attaches to the ankle!! Dang! So I was in a nice little splint and not too much pain until night came. Boy did it hurt!
I saw a specialist on Wednesday and got the rest of the story. The place where I broke the bone is notoriously a poor healing area. There is a tendon attached to the broken piece so every time I move my foot, that tendon is pulling the piece away from the bone it is trying to heal to. So, the recommendations are: two months in a cast putting no weight on it at all, hoping it heals and then possibly still needing surgery, or having surgery to pretty much guarantee that it will heal, and still be in a cast for two month! We chose the surgery route and it is scheduled for Tuesday, yup, my birthday!!! Oh well! Bummer.
We are hoping that this won't slow down our summer plans too much. This is actually a three week span where we don't have any big trips planned, so I guess the timing is good. Tomorrow we are going fishing and Sunday we are taking the RZR out and we'll see how I do on the bumpy roads!
Let the summer begin!

We haven't let it stand in our way yet. We went out on the RZR on Friday and Sunday this week and checked out a few trails above Ft Collins, near Poudre Canyon. Piling up a nice fleece blanket under my feet, I had a nice cushion to take the bumps. Then I used a bungee cord to create a sling and hung my foot! Crazy. On Friday, we sloshed through mud and snow and went until the trail disappeared. We fished at West Lake near Dowdy and reminded Jadeyn of how much fun he has fishing!

On Mother's Day we headed up to an area right above Red Feather Lakes and found a gold mine of a place. We took the RZR way back on a trail and hiked (yes I did say hiked) to the lake. Okay, it was only about 300 yards, but that takes awhile on crutches and uneven surfaces, rocks, weeks, fences, Jadeyn... But the fishing was awesome. We caught three beautiful Browns and one nice bull Rainbow trout. It would have been interesting watching us however. Anytime we caught a fish, I'd be crawling over to get the pliers and hobbling back to my place. Funny!
We checked out several other trails and found some great places to fish next time!

So all in all, right now I can say that this broken foot thing won't hold me back too much...we'll see if I say the same thing after surgery!

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