For some moments in life, there are no words.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Chloe's Recital

Chloe's Ballet Debut
We were so happy to support Chloe in her first ballet recital this Saturday!!!  She was so excited and wanted as many people in the audience as she could, and we were happy to oblige! 

Overall the program was very impressive.  Anywhere from sweet three year olds trying to figure out which way to turn and being adorably oblivious to the teachers coaching to accomplished toe dancers wowing the audience.

Chloe's number was so sweet!  I loved to watch the girls' faces as they concentrated on the next move while keeping a perfect smile and letting their eyes dart to the girls around them to make sure they were doing the right thing.  We were so proud of her and she did great!

We celebrated afterwards by heading out for ice cream and of course there was a play park nearby, which, even in her beautiful tutu, she couldn't resist! 

And the boys couldn't resist the water fountain.  They had been instructed to not get in the water so they got just as close as they could get!

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