For some moments in life, there are no words.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Snowy April

Sunshine and short sleeves one day, winter coats and snowmen the next!  It has been one snowy April so far with scattered magnificently beautiful spring days.

So, this storm that was predicted, actually delivered.  We got dumped on!!! The spring time that we had been enjoying, disappeared and we got more snow than we had the entire winter!!  It was beautiful though, and me and Jadeyn decided to take full advantage of it!  After school Jadeyn asked his typical question: mom, can we go to the Castle Park?  Not a single other kid or parent was going to brave the 8 inches that had fallen already, but we did.  We walked to the pristine park where not a single footprint had marred the beautiful snow, and then we proceeded to destroy it!  Jadeyn stomped on or swatted all the “marshmellows” and slid down the snow covered slides into a huge pile of snow.  It was great!  We played for an hour.  Home, drop both our clothes in the dryer and warm up with hot chocolate!
Jadeyn is a great shoveller.  His shovel may not travel in a straight line, but it eventually gets to the end of our huge driveway. 
We built an awesome Stegosaurus in the back yard complete with green food coloring! Jadeyn was so proud! We also shoveled a lot of the snow from the deck onto the steps and made a sweet slide for him!  Once again, our clothes went in the dryer and Jadeyn warmed up this time in the bathtub.

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