For some moments in life, there are no words.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Spring Projects!

 Spring Projects
Springtime always brings all sorts of around the house and yard projects, but moving into a new home, I think the projects have quadrupled!  We have enjoyed every second of the yard work, including the spring clean-out in a yard four times the size of our old one.  The massive decorative grasses were an education to cut back, but Jadeyn loved "romping in the hay!"

At our old house we had 21 rose bushes and I think that was the hardest thing to leave spent a weekend doing the massive spring clean-out and trim back of all the rose bushes for the renters and dug up five bushes to bring back to the new place!  Pretty nice of us, I must say since it really is a lot of work and takes a bit of skill to get to know the bushes and the renters didn't even have to do it!

We planted a nice little garden in the corner by Jadeyn's playground.  Beans, Peas, Carrots and Cantaloupe!  We'll see how they do, but check out the concentration on our little gardener's face! 

We even fixed some of the stone with some handy masonry skills!

Oh, what else? Cleaning the window was quite the project.  We still haven't gotten to all 54 (I think), but check out this one.  Early one morning we heard a resonating thud!  Here's the poor birds perfect print that he left on the window!  Not body was found, so we like to think that he survived! Here are the poor cats trying to find some normalcy in all the chaos!

 And yes, some of our tulips actually survived the multiple massive snow storms that tried to hold them back!

Did still found time to have a blast with each of the snow storms and they really were doozies!

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